
Sunday 27 October 2013

Standing out of the crowd

Hello everyone, its Pep! So today I was thinking about what I should blog about, 
and to be honest one thing came across me&Michaela's mind and it was being original.

Lately, I have noticed some people trying to be like others. In looks, dressing and by what they do. I think everyone should be individual and be them selves. 
You should love yourself and even the word ugly can be made into: YOU GOTTA LOVE YOURSELF! 
See..... I'm confused why people and mostly girls try acting like models and going on diets to see who can be the skinniest one. Acting fake and like a barbie isn't pretty it's trashy. 

I myself haven't seen boys act like that but sometimes they can kind of want to be like 
the famous footballers and try be 'cool'. Stop. Girls like someone sweet&cute, not a total player :) 

What I'm trying to say is it's good to be different, not everyone has to be a model and a footballer. 
You don't have to wear kg's of makeup to look pretty and you don't have to have packs to be fit. 
Be yourself people should love you the way you are not by copying everyone else.

don't to be afraid to be yourself. 
Even if your homosexual, Asian, rich, poor You are who you are. 
Besides a original is worth more then a copy

thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed my new blog post <3
also if your having any troubles or need advice feel free to contact me and michaela OR

instagram; meee_pep
twitter; @pepoula
facebook; peppy saleh

Friday 25 October 2013

Halloween Ideas!

Hello everyone,  it's mich here :) 

So it's on the 31st October its Halloween that's only 6 days away! Before Halloween everyone has a problem: what to wear? In this blog I'm going to give you a few ideas of what costumes make-up you can do for Halloween.

Okay so first I'm going to start with make-up. I love this part because I think it's a very good way of being creative and really putting your stamp on your costume. Instead of going over the top on 

your whole face you could do a really do dramatic eye make-up.

I love this simple cobweb she most likely done it with eye-liner its very effective and 
she added some glitter its quick and brings out your eyes! 

As well as going simple you could also go very bold and very dramatic. This make take more time and more skill, but with practice I'm sure it will get easier. This eye make-up could go with any costume and still give great effect. You don't just have to use black either. Experiment and try different colours see which one gives the most effect. You may want to link you make-up with your costume, however you don't have too. With eye make-up you don't need to put in much effort with your costume because the make-up all ready gives such effect.

Now moving on too costumes! You can either buy a costume or make your own, no matter what one you choose you can still make it look good. Remember with Halloween your costume doesn't always have to be scary.  

I think for girls these would be creative and cute; a cat, dead school girl, a devil or a witch. For boy costumes you could be: a skeleton, dead school boy, zombie, a wizard or a pumpkin. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed it and got some costume ideas, also thanks too Pep who gave me the inspiration for this blog post. If you have anymore things you would like me to blog about comment below. Stay up to date with a blog and follow us.
Pep will be blogging on Monday.

Me&Pep are available most of the time so you can email us if you need any advice or have any questions at:

Contact details 
Instagram: Michaela_Lukin
Facebook: Michaela Jayne

Monday 21 October 2013

20 Facts about Pep

Hello everyonee <3 Pep here :) 

So today I thought of what to blog about and to be honest my last few blogs have
been more girly! So I thought I should mix it up a bit and do 20 facts about mee :D

1. My Bestfriend is Michaela and Boy Bestie is John 
2. I live in England and I have what Americans call a 'British accent'
3. I lovee fooddddd <3 
4. I love singing&acting so I might try out for Brit school!
5. I have a older brother, and we don't get on much :) 
6. I'm TERRIFIED of crane flies and EVERY insect
7. I am for some reason scared of the number 7 :s 
8. I love Halloween&Christmas
9. I love scary movies& stories 
10. I don't understand the concept of Tumblr omg LOOL
11. I don't like Indian food :/ 
12. I have like 13 fish but sadly they keep dying :( 
13. I have a addiction to POPTARTS 
14. For some reason every time I blink I say a word in my head (VERY strange :s) 
15. I'm very loud around friends&family but in public I can't speak and become shy 
16. My favorite band is TheVamps :g 
17. I have braces :D 
18. I hate maths
19. Sounds weird but I love the rain when I'm indoors!
20. I had a dummy in my mouth from the age of 0-7 x_x

thank you for readingg <3 also if you need any advise or help email me&mich at;;  OR

If you don't already know what me and Michaela look like here it is :) 

I'm the brunette and shes the beautiful BLONDEYYY <3 

INSTAGRAM; meee_pep
TWITTER; @pepoula
FACEBOOK; Peppy Saleh

Friday 18 October 2013

Staying Strong!

Heeey everyone it's Mich<3

Okay so before I start there's a lot of situations people say you need to stay strong in. So I'm giving you a warning that this could be a very long and detailed blog. I hope no one takes this offensively and I hope I can give people some confidence and show them that they're not alone. 


Okay, so starting off it is FINE and NORMAL to cry. It doesn't mean your not a strong person, everybody cries, some people even say tears are the words the mouth can't say. There are so many reasons to cry and no whatever the reason it doesn't matter. 

I think crying is fine and a easy way to let your pain out. Yet when people over rate things and start saying there depressed it's really stupid. By this I mean after breaking up with a boyfriend or having an argument with your best-friend people start cutting. I hate this, I'm not against cutting but when people do it for pathetic reasons I am. People at the age of 12, only 12 start cutting. Saying their depressed. I'm not perfect but people at my age have no idea of how depression even starts. So before you start cutting think twice, think about the people who have reasons to cut and can't help it. Your lucky to have what you have so don't take it for granted.

Never give up! This is the next thing I'm going to say. Always stay true to yourself and fight for what you believe in. Never follow the crowd, I'm not going to go on about this because, next week I'm going to be blogging about never giving up as like a part 2 of this blog.

In the future I am go into more detail of staying strong but for now I'm going to sum it up. Never let anyone bring you down because you need to be brave and keep your head high. Showing people you can break down is the start of something difficult. If anyone ever brings you down remember your worth so much more then them. 

I went of topic a lot in this post so if you have any questions please ask, email us:
I hoped I at least helped one person, so remember stay strong!

Monday 14 October 2013

Hair Products

 Hello everyone, Pep here <3 Missed me? Course you have!

Hehe anyway carrying on .... Today I'm going to try and fit most of my favorutie hair products in.

So my first product that I'm going to share is this amazing hair spray called;; VO5 Hairspray Ultimate . It's super good, doesn't make your hair greasy hair, not too sticky but keeps it firm and stays in place. I love this you can buy it in boots and superdrug for a very cheap price of £1.79.

The next product has to be;; Schwarzkopf Got2b 2sexy Mousse. I love this hair mousse, now I'm not someone who would usually put hair mousse on but I do really like this mousse. It's a bit sticky but keeps your hair in place or they way you want it. It has a really fresh creamy smell, not too strong thank god! 

My last fav hair product has to be;; loreal smooth intense serum
I'm addicted to this onee <3 Basically when you shower or wash your hair so when you blowdry your hair or dry it you put it on so it doesn't go frizzy. Trust me it is one of the best things I have used on my hair, highly recommend it because it makes your hair smooth, and doesn't have a funny smell :) 

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this blog! Mich will be blogging next on Monday!

Please share, we have hit around 1280 views thanks everyone <3.

Instagram;; meee_pep
Facebook;; Peppy Saleh
Twitter;; @pepoula

Friday 11 October 2013

Mich's obsessions/addictions

Okay so I was thinking and anyone who's started reading this blog and don't know me personally don't really know things about me. So I thought a way for you to know a few things about me is knowing what I love and what I'm obsessed with.

  • Pop tarts: these are amazing try them
  • Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream: Ben and Jerry's is WOW but the cookie dough ice cream is perfect
  • Parka coats: my favorite type of coat
  • Music: I'm actually obsessed there's not a day when I don't listen to it, I have a problem.
  • Media
  • Animals: but I hate most insects
  • Being with friends&family
  • The colours blue&pink&purple: there my favorite 
  • Makeup: not loads so I look like barbie though
  • Doing my hair :)
  • Sleep: this makes me seem like all I do but I can't sleep in the day for some reason, so I only sleep at night like normal people... 
  • CHRISTMAS: I like it. A lot. I kinda love it. A lot.
  • Doing my own thing and being unique :p
  • Being all snuggled up in winter
  • Layering clothes 
  • Social networks, I don't have an addiction problem though, at least I think that
I hope you liked this post and you found out some of my dislike/hates too. If you have any requested posted let me know :)

Monday 7 October 2013

Pep's Autumn Favorites

hello everyone! Pep here :)
I'm going to tell you lots about my autumn favorites, hopefully this should help you with clothes and help get you into a autumn spirit!

My number 1 favorite has to be Parka Coats! I'm Literally addicted to these beautiful 
coats. For males&females these have got to be one of the nicest and warmest
coats anyone could look stunning in.

Moving swiftly on I cannot forget these babies.... Now these are more for females and I'm not sure if they make them for males! 
But what they are;; is DISCO PANTS!
OMG I could go on all day about how amazing these are but I'm not. Seriously though I recommend these so much, they are comfortable, stunning and bring out your figure in the best way :) 

Lastly I'm gonna end this blog with food; POPTARTS! 
Now these are a american biscuit sweet thing but they do sell them in Morrisons, Tesco's &Asda! 
I have to admit I am just a bit addicted to these beautiful things but seriously you have got to try them.
They are perfect for a evening in warm and toasted! P.S they sell them in chocolate, strawberry & SO MANY more flavors! 
    I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog and its helped you loads! Michaela will be blogging on Friday :) 

Instagram;; meee_pep 
Twitter;; Pepoula
Facebook;; Peppy Saleh 

Friday 4 October 2013


Heey everyone, it Mich here and it's my first blog I'm doing, I'm going to be talking and giving advice about friends/friendships, before I start I'm just going to say if I go on into to detail and start boring you sorry :D

So friends are a complicated matter, I personally think it's more of a girl situation where friend problems happen, especially when you start high school. Sometimes you start to loose people, others come in between your friendship or just general arguments.

One example that happens A LOT in my school is, when two people have an argument around 10 other people who have nothing to do with it suddenly get involved. It's pointless. This normally starts by someone putting something on a social network or BBM and it all starts off. There's really no point to make it such a big thing.

I could go on all day about arguments but I'm gonna give advice for different situations. First of all, when an argument happens only involve people that need to be involved, don't put it on every social network or BBM. Also, if there is one simple question you are getting at, are you my friend?, get to the point and say it! Don't let your arguments escalate quickly, for example don't be talking about something and the tension quickly rises, change the subject and forget it. One thing that can not happen in friendships are LIES, I could write a whole blog post of lies, they cause so much mayhem and things not needed.

I'm going to finish the blog here or I'm going to be going on all day, sorry this was more girl aimed but I had to make a blog post about this.
Thanks for reading Mich<3
Instagram: Michaela_Ludkin

Have a question or want advice? All emails stay confidential: